Spreading the good feeling people get from yarn and yarn-related crafts is what I Love Yarn Day (ILYD) is all about. And what better way for knitters and crocheters to spread that joy and pass on their love of the crafts than to teach others?
Imagine 1 million knitters and crocheters, each teaching 1 million more, all on the same day. Together, we can do this! We are calling all knit and crochet teachers, designers, bloggers, guilds, yarn groups, yarn shops and anyone that loves yarn to teach on ILYD!
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On Saturday, October 14th, the Craft Yarn Council will be encouraging knitters and crocheters around the world to teach at least one other person how to knit or crochet. Share photos and stories on social using the following hashtags: #iloveyarnday #learntoknit #learntocrochet
We've provided free, easy-to-follow instructions and patterns that can be shared with friends and family. Participants are encouraged to Make One, Teach One: Make one item for themselves and teach one new student how to make that item.
We've provided free, easy-to-follow instructions and patterns that can be shared with friends and family. Participants are encouraged to Make One, Teach One: Make one item for themselves and teach one new student how to make that item.
Take this short survey to share with us whether you learned how to knit or crochet or taught someone else on I Love Yarn Day 2023!
I Love Yarn Day Survey
Explore the basics of crochet with video tutorials.
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Explore the basics of knitting with video tutorials.
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