
Charity organizations

I have several shawls, lapghans, scarves and caps that I would like to donate to an organization that could use these handmade items for adults, seniors and children.  I live in Oregon.  Does anyone know a group that could use these?  Thank you.


yarn sizes

I have a pattern that calls for size 10 yarn but all I can find is cotton.  Can I substitute another size yarn, maybe #2 for  so I can use a different fiber than cotton??



having problem with cascading ripples blanket
2nd row:- \
join 2 strands of A, with sl st to first ch-1 sp. Ch-1 1 sc in same sp as sl st.(Ch 1. Miss next sc. 1 sc in the next ch-1 sp)5 times. Ch-1. *(1 sc. ch 2. 1 sc) in next ch-2 sp. (Ch-1. miss next sc. 1 sc in next ch-1 sp )6 times **Miss next 2 sc.(1 sc in next ch-1 sp. Ch-1 miss next sc) 6 times.Rep from * 4 times more then from * to **once more fasten off. turn first 2 rows of cascading ripple pat are complete
