Apply to be featured in our Happy Place or Wing It Series!

Do you enjoy our Happy Place series and ever thought you'd be the perfect candidate to show off your own Happy Place? Do you remember our Wing It series on Instagram? Well, now's your chance to take over the CYC Instagram! We're looking for makers who want to share their Happy Place or wing a project on the fly! 

Keep reading for information on how to create and submit content for your Happy Place or Wing It and see the application link to apply to be considered. In the application, you will select which series you are applying for - Happy Place or Wing It. You may apply for both series - you can just fill out the application twice, once for each series! We will reach out to you if we are interested in working with you to schedule a date for your Happy Place or Wing It. Happy Places are posted on Tuesdays and Wing Its are posted on Wednesdays! 

Happy Place

The CYC Happy Place series exists to give our audience insight into how makers organize their yarn, tools, and projects in their home studios and yarn spaces. In each post, we interview different makers about how they store and manage their yarn. 

With this segment, we hope to help people struggling with managing their yarn. We hope that sharing different makers’ experiences and current setups can serve to help others looking to make a change!

Content for your Happy Place:

  1. Please fill out the Happy Place survey no later than one week before you schedule your Happy Place to be posted. Keep this deadline in mind when you pick the day for your Happy Place!
  2. Create five 5-10 second videos following the outline below. Please use the stories feature on IG to make these videos and save them to your phone. This is important to make sure your videos are the correct length and file format! You are not required to show your face in any of these videos!
    1. A quick intro saying “Hi I’m [Your name and Handle] and welcome to my happy place!” 
    2. A video of your favorite item in your space
    3. A video of your favorite yarn in your space 
    4. One to two videos of your organization system for your yarn
    5. A video panning your space

Happy Place Content Submission:

Please submit the photos you'd like included in your blog post and the videos for your reel to this Google drive folder no later than one week before you schedule your Happy Place to be posted. Keep this deadline in mind when you pick the day for your Happy Place! When submitting your assets, please create a folder with your name as the title and upload the photos and reel videos in your folder.

Happy Place Application


Wing It

Wing It is a segment where CYC collaborates with fiber artists to take over our Instagram and “Wing It” by working on a spontaneous small knit or crochet project that can be done in a day with little to no prep.

This project can be:

  • Your take on a project that you show how to work out in our Insta stories (i.e., today I am going to show you how to crochet my version of a hair scrunchie)
  • A spontaneous small project that you figure out and share your progress in our Insta stories (i.e., today I’m going to figure out how to crochet a banana bunch appliqué)
  • A swatch project using different stitches or color combos
  • Anything you can dream up

Wing It Stories:
While winging it, you can create as many stories as you need to share your process! Please be sure to include at least the following 3 videos without talking in your stories as they will be turned into reels at the end of your WING IT!

  1. One story featuring a video of your supplies 
  2. One story featuring a video of your wip or you working on your wip
  3. One story featuring a video of the final project

Wing It Content Submission:

Please submit the story videos for your Wing It to this Google drive folder no later than one week before you schedule your Wing It to be posted. Keep this deadline in mind when you pick the day for your Wing It! When submitting your assets, please create a folder with your name as the title and upload the photos and reel videos in your folder.

Feel free to get creative with these three elements of your stories! If you want to create your reel separately using the three subjects above, you are welcome to!

Wing It Application


Have any questions? Reach out to our PR Coordinator Sarah at!

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