This month we are sharing our interview with Anne Weil, the artist behind Flax and Twine. Anne is known for her clean and simple designs that offer a fresh perspective on fiber crafts. As a DIY blogger and author for fiber-based projects, we knew yarn would be a common piece in Anne's space.
Without further ado, we are happy to share with you Flax and Twine's Happy Place!

What system do you use to organize your yarn? (by color, by fiber content, by project, etc.)
I organize my fiber by color, unless it's jumbo, and this HUGE yarn has its own space.
What furniture/storage systems do you use to organize your yarn?
I use hanging sweater drawers/cubbies from the Container Store.

How do you like to de-stash? (i.e completing projects, yarn swaps, yarn sales, donations)?
I give yarn away to a local arts organization here in Denver.
More often than not, what colors are always in your office/yarn corner?
My studio is white and bright, and my closet of yarn is filled with color.
Do you like to work in the same space where your yarn is stored? Why or why not?
Yes. My yarn is in the same room in a closet, so the yarn is accessible and organized, but isn't overwhelming. I like being able to look at or get what I need without feeling like it's towering over me.

When you are working on a project, do you have a specific spot you put it when you aren't working on it, or does it follow you around beyond your space?
I always carry whatever I am working on with me if I can. Alternatively, I have a special shelf designated for projects currently underway. If they stay on that shelf for too long, I need to bring them downstairs to the basement for deep storage or give them away!
How important is a well-organized yarn corner/office to your mental wellbeing?
Having my craft supplies and yarn well organized is essential to my feeling good and inspired. If it is messy, there's too much clutter to create!
Where did you purchase everything shown in the photos you submitted?
Share any current projects, promotions or tips.
Be discerning about what you keep. Does it bring you happiness or joy, is it a color you want to work with, is it a fiber that you think you'll use? If not, let it go - you'll feel better for it!
All photos courtesy of Jimena Peck.