Happy Place With Stacy Wiener

Stacy Wiener is the founder of S.A.C.K., Supporting A Community with Kindness, a nonprofit that inspires volunteers to crochet and/or knit, collect and donate bars of soap and soap sacks to their local food pantries, homeless shelters, relief efforts, mission trips, social service agencies and veterans clinics. Stacey discovered through volunteering at food pantries that there was a lack of essential toiletries available. One key reason is that people cannot use government subsidies, such as food stamps, to purchase them. When it comes to deciding on whether to eat vs. buy soap and shampoo, the choice becomes obvious, so S.A.C.K. was created to help fill this need. The number of volunteers in the S.A.C.K. community has grown exponentially through the years, with an estimated 150,000+ soap sacks having been distributed globally. The response has been overwhelmingly positive since there is a definite need for toiletries throughout the underserved population. 


Before founding S.A.C.K. in 2017, Stacy was a Private College Counselor for thirty years, assisting high school and transfer students throughout the college process. She is the author of "The Other Route Into College: Alternative Admission." When Stacy isn’t crocheting and knitting, she enjoys reading, power walking and socializing with friends.



What system do you use to organize your yarn?

My yarn stash is organized by color.


What furniture/storage systems do you use to organize your yarn?

I have a large bookcase to store my yarn.


How do you like to de-stash?

The cotton/cotton blend yarn is used for making and donating soap sacks.


More often than not, what colors are always in your office/yarn corner?

Red, white and blue yarn for donating to veterans clinics as well as gender neutral yarn for soap sacks being distributed to men.



Do you like to work in the same space where your yarn is stored? Why or why not?

Yes, it is the perfect space to fill sacks with soap.


When you are working on a project, do you have a specific spot you put it when you aren't working on it, or does it follow you around beyond your space?

It remains in my happy place.


Was the majority of your yarn bought with a project idea in mind?

Absolutely....for giving out yarn to S.A.C.K. volunteers as well as making soap sacks.


Do you or have you ever found it difficult to manage/organize your yarn?




How did you find an organization system that works for you?

Since all of the yarn is cotton/cotton blend yarn for soap sacks, it made sense to coordinate the skeins by color.


How important is a well-organized yarn corner/office to your mental wellbeing?

It is so important for the success of S.A.C.K. that the yarn office is well-organized.


Where did you purchase everything shown in your photos?

The large bookcase was purchased at a needlepoint store that was going out of business.


Do you have any tips or advice you have for someone who is trying to reorganize their stash? I

Don't try to do it all at once....take your time and enjoy the process.


Are there any current projects or promotions you'd like to share?

As founder of S.A.C.K., we are always looking for new soap sack patterns. You can learn more about S.A.C.K. and contact us with pattern ideas or any other inquiries on our website


Photos courtesy of Stacy Wiener.

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