Getting students

I am looking for a support of my theory. I have 4 stores covered and so far only one store actually has students. The other 3 stores show some interest but zero registration: people in one of them complain that the classes are too expensive (versus Wilton), one of them has the crowd who already has basic knowledge of the crocheting and they want something more advanced or the class where they just will get the help on THEIR projects, and one of them I think has too young of a crowd, way younger then me (and I am just turning 35). So my theory is that amount of student you get depends not on how well you advertise (believe me, I've tried a lot of different ways for the past 6 months) but on the neighborhood where the store is located.
I see a lot of exchanging about how to advertise the classes, but I think that you can do just about everything, but still getting zero students if the neighborhood isn't right and people around that area just are not interested in what had been offered.
do you agree/disagree?

By the way my ways of advertising - large magnet on the car, flyers passed in my daughter's school, encouraging parents to spread the word among their relatives and friends, flyers in the yarn department, large board with the projects and flyers by the cash registers with the available times and classes, demos once a month in each store, wearing my own designs during demos as well as large table with all my most interesting designs, telling them what they would be able to do after they learn the basics. I encourage my students to bring their own projects, so they can get help and after each class I am handing out one of my own simple designs to try out at home. I am also giving them my own contact information if they get stuck on the project.
None of that still helped me to get more than 2-3 students in a very rare cases in one store and ALL cancelled classes (during 4 months period) in 3 others
By the way, I never cancel class if I have just one student - I am lucky to have even one! I offer times for each class in each store (weekdays mostly evening and weekend Saturday)

Honestly, Wilton classes are blooming, getting filled completely every week! What's wrong with crochet classes?