Discover TEACHER Forum - Crochet

Private forum for DISCOVER teachers

Arm Knitting

Hello my name is Gina Hartley. I teach at two Michaels stores. Classes are going great. Spring classes are very exciting. I am getting a lot of students for arm knitting and people are interested. The only thing is it takes longer than an hour for students to finish a project. The allotted time is not enough time to learn and finish their projects. They can not leave with their projects on their arms. I would recommend at least two hours. I wonder if any one else is having the same problem? Thank you Gina Hartley

How long to complete a project?

I recently spoke with my CEM about the new class projects coming out and was told that apparently Michaels corporate expects us to be able to have our students COMPLETE the project in the 2 1/2-3 hour class time. Is it just me or does this seem like they're setting us up to fail? I haven't made all the projects yet but it seems like the only one I as the instructor could complete for sure would be the coasters, maybe the baby hat. I've been making a sample bunny and I'm about 80% done after 3 hours of work.

New classes for April

I am all excited about the new classes for April!! I gave my manager my schedule on March 1st But alas, my classes have been cut. I teach knit and crochet and usually would have at least 27 class offerings for April, that has been slashed to 17 with 3 of these the ARM classes. So I can not offer all the classes and then ones I can schedule will only be scheduled once for the whole month. I normally would have 5 night classes I now have 2. This is making it difficult to attract students! Anyone else having this problem?

cancelling classes because of only 1 student

So frustrated it is hard to put thoughts down. Michaels has implemented a new policy stating that classes need a minimum of two classes to proceed. I have not taught in months and have had to call and cancel classes that have one customer signed up. I dont understand the logic of turning away paying customers who have the potential to sign up for more classes. Was told the reason is that it is not cost effective for michaels to pay me for one person. How is this not cost effective when the customer pays in full and I get paid a portion of that.