How long to complete a project?

I recently spoke with my CEM about the new class projects coming out and was told that apparently Michaels corporate expects us to be able to have our students COMPLETE the project in the 2 1/2-3 hour class time. Is it just me or does this seem like they're setting us up to fail? I haven't made all the projects yet but it seems like the only one I as the instructor could complete for sure would be the coasters, maybe the baby hat. I've been making a sample bunny and I'm about 80% done after 3 hours of work. I've never really compared how fast I crochet to others who are equally experienced but I know my students always move slower than I do (understandable, after all they're still learning!) so if I couldn't complete a project in 3 hours why does Michaels expect us to be able to have our students do so?

So am I just unusually slow at crochet, or are these expectations unrealistic?