Discover TEACHER Forum - Crochet

Private forum for DISCOVER teachers

trying to create symbol patterns

I have found that (on my computer) I can use different fonts and sizes of letters to make my own symbol crochet patterns
On my computer I use SegoeUI for o and T on size 24. The x in the same font did not line up properly so after playing for a while found that x in size 29 lines up perfectly. You still will have to add the diagonal lines to the T for the longer stitches and dots for slip stitch

Use of free patterns form yarn companies

I have been looking for free patterns for potential summer projects. I have found some that may be suitable on line from some of the major yarn companies and also some posted free in stores (Walmart, Michael's, Joanne's). Can we use these patterns for our classes or must we first get permission from the yarn company? If anyone knows the policy, please share it with me. Thanks

Store employees misreading class schedule

I have called the store to check on class enrolment, only to be given the wrong information. I don't know if anyone else has experienced this problem, but it has happened to me more than once and at two different stores (I do knit and crochet at one, and crochet at the other). I've found the employees either got the teacher wrong at one store and told me the class had someone enrolled, or they got the wrong day/class. I've made the trip to the store, only to discover no one was signed up for the class!

Getting Customer's Attention and Interest During Demos

Hi! I don't have as many sign ups as I would like, so I thought I would ask you what you do during demos to catch the attention of the customers, and to get their interest enough to want to hear information about the classes. Maybe we can help each other by sharing what we do.

Free classes?

Hello, I have question about free classes for Michaels employees. I was checking in to find out if I had any student sign ups. I didn't have a paid student but one was a free class for employee. I hadn't been told that before. Has any one done this before? I'm confused how will I get paid or if that will I get paid?

Class Minimums

A couple of people have just posted on the Facebook group saying they have been told that starting April 1 we will need to have a minimum of 3 students for a class. I'm going to look into this tomorrow at work, but I wanted to give those that might not be on Facebook a heads up. I was doubtful when the first person posted, but than another posted that they had been told the same thing.

Certification Projects - Lesson 7

I am thoroughly confused by Lesson 7 (Tunisian & Aran). I was fine with the 5" swatch of Afghan, but the project is confusing for me.

It says "Plan an Intermediate project with Aran stitches knurl, diamond, cable." Does it mean EITHER knurl, diamond or cable? Or does it mean knurl, diamond, and cable?

Did you all do all 3, or did you choose one?

Thanks in advance!!

$5 Yarn Night

Good morning everyone,
I have the registration form but I haven't found any information on the details (how long, how we get paid, general instructions) on Moogle about the $5 Yarn night. I want to schedule one soon as MANY of my students are interested but it's kind of hard without the information :(
Has anyone found any details yet?

Time for Crochet @ Michaels Cover sheet

For all you Time for Crochet teachers who do their classes at Michaels,
here is the cover sheet for the Time for Crochet classes.
I made a Time for Knit cover sheet for my 3 ring binder that I use for my classes awhile ago
and I was asked to do a Crochet one so here you go!
