Discover TEACHER Forum - Crochet

Private forum for DISCOVER teachers

Facebook page

I was told by someone that I could start a facebook page for my store. Then I was told by another that it had to be set up a certain way. For example, the title has to be exact with CYC and the store. Also, can we set up an email account for our classes so that we can send out notices, with special classes and so forth? Can someone help me with this?

Requirement that students sign up 24 hours in advance for classes

Even though students are required to sign up 24 hours in advance for classes, I generally wait to call my Michaels stores either the morning of the morning classes or about 4 hours in advance of my evening classes to see if I have any students.

$5.00 Yarn Night - Payment and Experiences

Does anyone know if we receive payment for our $5.00 yarn nights the same as we do for our regular classes? Is it 90% of tuition minus our hourly rate? If yes, what happens if we only have 2 or 3 students? I had my first yarn night last night and I had 9 students. For two hours, I rotated between the 9 students to help with their projects. I didn't feel that I was able to give enough attention to anyone but I guess that's that realizaiton of a $5.00 class because you get more students. I would be interested in hearing about other instructor's $5.00 yarn night experiences.

Set up for classes on own time

When I was hired as the knit and crochet instructor for Michael's last year, I was told by the store manager that I would get 1/2 hour of paid time to set up for the classes. Since then there has been a change in store management and I am now told that I have to set up for classes on my own time. In addition to setting up my lesson plans, handouts, samples of projects, knitting needles,etc., it is usually necessary for me to straighten up and clean the table in the classroom. Frequently, students come in early to ask questions or get help with purchasing the items they need for the class.

How many of us use CYC class down loads for classes?

I'd like to know-
If you are a CYC certified instructor/teacher/professional, do you use the CYC class downloads when you teach a class? Please answer YES or NO.
Why I am asking this question-
I use the class downloads as handouts when I teach the corresponding class. Until last week I was able to print them via the Michaels in store computers and printers. That ability has very recently been removed from the system. My SM has said I must be the only teacher in the company that uses them and prints them in the store. Is that true?

Holding the yarn and holding the hook - does anyone have a good reference guide?

Does anyone have a handout that illustrates the best way to hold the yarn and the hook? I find this is not covered in any of the materials. Although I teach how I hold the yarn and the hook, that people have different preferences. Is there a handout we can give to students?

CYC instructor Facebook link

I am having difficulty getting to the CYC Instructor discussions on Facebook. I do not use Facebook often, but am lead to believe that this is now the way to get more accurate information and responses rather than to use this CYC message board. Can someone tell me how to get to the instructor's comments and not the general public comments?