Discover TEACHER Forum - Crochet

Private forum for DISCOVER teachers

how many of us have used discounts .

I am wondering how many of us have used the discount that Annie's gave us last year? I know I used it a lot once I I found it on the web site bit it expired at the end of Dec.and how many would like to see it come back for this year. I also got the year of magazine's that Annie's offered too.

How are you handling disappointed students?

Hi everyone,
Now that we have to have 2 students to run a class, how are you handling students that are disappointed when you have to cancel a class? Like many of you many of my classes were with one student, and now these students are not happy when I have to cancel. I am actively working to promote my classes (as I was before) but it is still a challenge to get people to want to work on the same thing.

Yarn Demo 11/17/2012 11AM-Noon 45 minute cowl

I worked the demo this morning. I checked the gauge to be correct 11 single crochet = 8 1/2 inches with 2 strands of Lion Brand Amazing. I was not able to complete the project as written with one ball of yarn. DId anyone else run into this situation? It was a quick and easy project to do. Very attractive icompleted n this yarn.

WUA Event

Does any one know for sure when the WUA Event is? I had heard Nov. 11 but today I saw on the playbook that it is Nov.10 form1:00-3:00 I hope that it is Nov 10 I usually don't get as good of a turn out on Sunday's Also Nov 11 is Veterans Day and there are other Events going on. It said in the Playbook that this is a manditory event for Discover teachers.

One student classes

I am actually teaching classes for two different Michaels stores. One store says that I'm allowed to have a one person class, the other says I'm not. I was given the "CYC Discover Knit and Crochet Store Manager Launch Guide" and it says in there that I'd have to have two paying students to have a class. I'm just wondering if there was an updated version of this or a place I could go to verify the information. (Ultimately I'd like the two stores to have the same "rules" about classes so I'm not totally lost.)

Thanks for the help! :)

Half double increases Lesson 3

I'm confused. Lesson three (outlined in the Crochet Assignment Sheets) tells us: The first st on the second row is worked into the first st; the last st is worked into the last hdc of the previous row, ignoring the turn ch (refer to Crochet Notebook).Repeat Row 2 only (increasing at both ends every row) until piece measures 5"wide. SO, I referred to the notebook and found only this: Increases can go anywhere and are made by placing two sts in the row below where you would usually make one st. Another option for

How was your Open House?

Hey everyone,

How was your open house?
Ours was very busy- we had lots of shoppers and I managed to get 4 crochet sign ups and 2 for knit. The other instructors did well- we had atleast 2 sign ups for jewellry and lots of Wilton sign ups (gee.. big surprise right?) It's hard to beat Wilton- we might be able to help people stay warm but they have CAKE :)

I'd love to hear how everyone did at their open house....

I am doing my first open house and my first class - could use some tips

Hi all
I am scheduled for my first open house this Saturday and really don't know what to expect; the store and staff are very nice and seem very willing to accommodate me both in the classroom and on the floor in the yarn dept. However, I am stumped on the projects; do we have to use the Discover projects? I am teaching beginners; I know I would have to get permission to use a copyrighted pattern, but I have run across free domain patterns. I am taking a few completed projects with me and will be working on a hat in between handing out flyers. Thanks.