Discover TEACHER Forum - Crochet

Private forum for DISCOVER teachers

C2B Easy Scarf

Hi Everyone,

I am wondering if anyone had a problem with this pattern.

After several attempts I find that the pattern seems to be incorrect for the Half Double Crochet rows. To keep the row count as 17 stitches I have made the following corrections. I have always worked hdc as ch 2, hdc in first stitch. I have never skipped the first stitch. The ch 2 is only the turning chain and is not worked.

For 17 stitches pattern should read:
Ch 19
Row 1: (Right Side): Hdc in 3rd ch from hook (counts as first hdc), hdc in each ch across; turn - 17 stitches.

March 3 - Class Open House

This event was very briefly mentioned in the December newsletter, but I haven't heard any more about it from either CYC or my store management. I'm assuming this is going to be like the one in September, which didn't go well for me, but since my home store has a new manager, it may be completely different this year.

Yarn Night

Yarn Night has been added to the event planner. I haven't seen any information about how long it should be though. I've been thinking about doing an informal crochet along for those who would like to participate. There are free sampler afghan patterns on the LionBrand website. I'm thinking of doing 1 stitch per Yarn Night. There are about 5 different stitches in most of the patterns.

Educating Shoppers

I have noticd that since I have been talking on the store loud speaker people are asking about classes. Some didn't know we had classes. Just something simple like. "Attention Michael's Shopprs" Please be sure to check our store calendar and online for classes at this location. or We have a crochet class starting at 1:00 clock today. Stop by and meet the instructor. If you ae in the store annonce everything Knit Kids Warm Up America. I know my manager appreciates it.

Scheduling ALL basic and new fall (project) classes in one month

I teach both knitting and crochet at my local Michael's and am curious about how y'all fit all 17 classes plus the Open Ended and Yarn Nights into one month?

Do you schedule each class more than once per month?

I only have the opportunity to schedule class on weekday evenings or weekends because I have a regular full time job.

I am curious if other teachers are offering certain classes more than once per month and others maybe not even once per month.

Your input is appreciated.


I emailed about using their free patterns from their site for the "instructor created classes" we can do now. This is the reply I got back.

"The free patterns are on the web site are free and can be printed as often as you like. It would be wonderful if you used our free patterns in your classes."


I was checking some posts over in the Knitting forum, and some of the posters mentioned that we signed a non-compete. When I started the program with CYC, I was told that I could teach anywhere. I specifically asked my manager if there was a non-compete clause, and she said no. I was not asked to sign a non-compete clause, nor did I.

Is this company policy? The non-compete? I was under the impression that there were other teachers here in to forum who teach elsewhere as well.

Store of the Future

I love in New York and I am just hearing about Michael's "Store of the Future".? There is a rumor going around that they are giong to get rid of the yarn department. I highly doublt it. I didn't ask management because I didn't want to get involved in the he said she said rumor. I also heard they are going to get a favbric department. Are there any sotre of the futures now.? What are they like?