Discover TEACHER Forum - Crochet

Private forum for DISCOVER teachers

Special Needs

Have any of you taught students with special needs? I had a student today with MS that affects her hands. She learned the chain stitch today and was starting to get the single crochet stitch. She was satisfied with her progress today and is going to take the same class again next month to get more practice with single crochet before she starts her project.

Classes with just one student

I've seen some people say that they teach the class even if they have just one student. I've seen others say that they were "forced" to cancel because they had only one student. One teacher on the forum said that she had "special permission from her District Manager to hold classes with only one student."

When I was first contacted by the CYC, I was told that these classes were designed for "anywhere from 2-8 students". So, I was under the impression that the single student class was discouraged but not prohibited. Can anyone give me guidance on this?

Oct. 14th - I Love Yarn Day

Are you doing anything for "I Love Yarn Day"? I'm thinking about making a sweat shirt with the logo on it to wear to class that day. I am taking classes at the local communitee college and also teaching knit and crochet classes on campus.

I'm also handing our bookmarkers to my students in my Discover classes at Michaels' and am going to talk to manager to see if I can do a special demo that day or something.


Michaels Event - September 10

I received the email last week saying that there was going to be an event at Michaels on September 10th that would highlight the Discover classes and that it would be included in the ad. I have checked out this weeks ad online, and I don't see it anywhere. Does anyone have anything in their ad about the "event".

Also, when I talked to one of the Supervisors at my store, he said that the "event" was their annual "meet the teachers" event, and that all of the teachers (Wilton, Scrapbooking, etc) would be attending.

left-handed crocheters

I am trying to find left-handed crochet diagrams to have on hand in case any left-handed students take my classes. Everything I've finidng online is video clips. I want diagrams like we hand out for the rest of our students. I taught both my sister and older daughter who are both left-handed. They watched the back of my work and learned that way. Still I think it would be nice to have left-handed diagrams to handout in class.

Demos and location hours

Demo hours
I am a manager using my instructors log in. Thanks for the comments, suggestions and other. This really helps. I found it important to understand from an instructors point of view. I will agree that we as managers do not get the communication from instruction vendors. I.e. Cyc, bead and chartpak.

Michaels promotional site and flyers

I recently started teaching at Michaels stores in NY. From the forums I see this program was launched as far back as December. I understand that several stores are still looking for instructors but when will Michaels have their website up and start promoting the Knit and Crochet classes? It takes a little navagating just to get to the class section and then there is no additional information posted for Knit or Crochet.

Problems with Materials List

Is anyone else finding that the Bernat Satin is being discontinued in their store? My manager says to just substitute another yarn, and I will, because I have no choice, but I think that it looks a little unprofessional to have a pre-printed pattern with a materials list, then not have those materials available for purchase for class. Is anyone else having this problem?

Other classes

I am wondering why (once we are fully certified) we can't select a pattern that is sold at Michaels and uses Michaels supplies for a class. Or devise our own patterns which use Michaels supplies to teach a class. Our certification contains training on devising appropriate patterns, and gives us instruction on how to lesson plan our own classes. Is it Michaels that would prefer that we not do this? Or is there a way to arrange with Michaels (ie submit our patterns for approval) to do so?