Michaels promotional site and flyers

I recently started teaching at Michaels stores in NY. From the forums I see this program was launched as far back as December. I understand that several stores are still looking for instructors but when will Michaels have their website up and start promoting the Knit and Crochet classes? It takes a little navagating just to get to the class section and then there is no additional information posted for Knit or Crochet.

Both my managers seemed happy to have me but have done little to help me with information or resources since I was hired. I've asked them about professional sinage from Michaels coorporate several times and each time they state, they haven't received the startup package yet. Where are the posters, fliers, and instore handouts etc.

At this rate I might have better luck teaching classes out of my home. Especially since I could offer a wider variety in the curriculum. At several of my demos, potential customers state that they like things I've made but seem uninterested in class projects or state they already know how to do the basics.