Discover TEACHER Forum - Crochet

Private forum for DISCOVER teachers

re: Pay not 90% - post from a couple of weeks ago

Someone posted a few weeks ago about not getting paid the full 90%. Her pay was short a couple of dollars. She also said other instructors in her store had the same complaint. I can't find the original post. It was in the middle of another topic, but something happened with a class in my second store last week which I think might explain this.

Teaching Crochet

Just a query - I am both the knitting and crochet instructor at my store. I've noticed recently that trying to teach crochet seems more difficult to pick up then knitting. My last three students did not last the two and a half hour course. Somewhere between one and a half and two hours they are exhausted. I'm wondering if my presentation is wrong and if others have found a way to encourage the students to keep trying a little longer. I don't want to push because this is supposed to be fun, but I feel I'm not giving these students value for their money.

Any ideas?

Japanese Foundation Row

I'm starting the Certified Instructors Correspondence Program . Lesson 2, sample one calls for a 5" square single crochet with the Japanese foundation row. I can find no reference to a Japanese foundation row. Does anyone know where I can find this information? I have not received nor do I see where I can download othe Crochet Notebook that I am refered to in other lessons. Am I just missing where I find this? Thank you.

Difficulty Getting through at the CYC

Has anyone else attempted to contact the CYC via phone and had difficulty getting a call back. I have left some messages, and have yet to receive a call back unless I contact Jenny via email first, then I get a call back from them.

I mentioned this to my instructor the other day, and she expressed that she has been leaving msgs for a couple of weeks without a return call.

Anyone else having this problem?

I was trying to get more information on the level 3 certification, as there is not much about it here on the site, but I can't seem to get a response.

Can we use the Discover Patterns for classes that we teach elsewhere?

When I started taking the CYC course, I was told that I could teach anywhere with my certification. I teach classes at another location. My question is, are the Discover Patterns CYC specific, or Michaels specific? I would like to use one of them for my classes at another store, but I am uncertain if they are only allowed at our classes at Michaels.

Curriculum and Projects print outs?

Hello there!

I am a new teacher and I was wondering what you all do with the curriculum print outs? Do you print enough out for the students to take with them? Or just copies for the class (not letting the students keep them)? Or do you use them at all and just teach by the students seeing?

I'd love to know what you all do, as I am a little confused on this subject :)
Thank you so much!

Yarn at Michael's

Has anyone else noticed that Michael's does not carry crochet thread? I just found this out on Sunday. How can we be teaching crochet if we do not have all the different types of media to do it? I was really disappointed to learn this. In my opinion not having crochet thread is like only having bulky yarn to do projects with. Or, only having wool. They sell the steel hooks to crochet doilies, just not any thread to make them. Seems odd to me.

Make Your Own Volunteer Opportunities

Make you own volunteer opportunities. If you are having problems getting enough teaching hours in for certification get creative. The results may surprise you.

I'm taking classes at the community college and offered to volunteer teach knit and crochet classes on two of the days I'm at the college. I was thrilled with the turnout and the enthusiasm. Eleven students and two staff members showed up for the meeting. I arrived this morning with only my samples, no hooks or needles, because today was suppose to be a planning meeting to organize the classes.