Discover TEACHER Forum - Crochet

Private forum for DISCOVER teachers

Getting students

I am looking for a support of my theory. I have 4 stores covered and so far only one store actually has students. The other 3 stores show some interest but zero registration: people in one of them complain that the classes are too expensive (versus Wilton), one of them has the crowd who already has basic knowledge of the crocheting and they want something more advanced or the class where they just will get the help on THEIR projects, and one of them I think has too young of a crowd, way younger then me (and I am just turning 35).

Project problems

Today I went on a knit and crochet blitz. I made the crochet smartphone cover, crochet cloche ( textured stitches),single crochet skinny scarf, knit garter stitch cuffs, fingerless gloves (cables) and started on the tassel beanie. Phew! Anyway, I was meticulous in using the specified yarns and checking my gauge. Here are a few things I found along the way.
The smartphone cover works out way to small if you use the G hook. An H hook makes for a better cover that actually fits a smartphone.

Do we have to offer both projects at each class?

Do we have to offer every student a choice of the two projects at each class? So far I've only taught the single crochet class. In that class it's easy to get students started on whichever project they want since the only difference for getting started in the number of chains to start with.

New to teaching

Hello all! So from what I understand we are supposed to pass the at least 2 or the 3 levels in order to be certified is that correct? Another question is where do I find anymore specific information about the cirriculum? I have the binder that they gave all of the teachers with the instructions and everything, but does anyone that has actually started teaching have some sort of basic outline for a lesson plan? My final question is how do I find out who I am supposed to mail all of the swatches and patterns to?

Thanks for all of the help

Problems with Bluesy Cloche Download?

I have had no problem downloading the patterns for My classes at Michaels except for the Bluesy Cloche pattern. Is anyone else having this problem? I keep getting a "this file is corrupted" message once it has been downloaded and I try to print. The other 8 downloaded patterns, no problem..grrrr...

Class cancellation policy

I have had a few struggles recently with the class cancellation policy.
So, the new policy is that we get 90% of the class fees, and we need a minimum of 2 students. I agree with this, because with 2 students we get approx the salary we got before, with a nice upside potential if we have 3 or more students.
However, many of the classes end up having only one student. When I call the day of the class, and only 1 student has enrolled, the class should be cancelled.
First of all, whose responsibility is it to contact the student?