Discover TEACHER Forum - Crochet

Private forum for DISCOVER teachers

kids summer classes

I'm going to try summer classes for kids. My store has nothing for kids in the summer, so this is a first for them. I've taught kids before, so I have some insight. My CEM said there is no way to set up 1 hour classes twice a week in Moogle, so we decided to try 11-2 time frame with a 30 min lunch/stretch break in the middle. I'm working on summer project ideas but could use some help with suggestions. So far I've got a crochet purse (SC ribbing - made with Charisma and J hook), and the cell phone case, and a simple and quick loopy scarf that will work for Single crochet.

May 19 Open House

I was not able to do the Open House as we were on a planned vacation, but I did leave samples and signs with one of my store's teachers to display. Both she and I were under the impression that no demos were to be done - we could display things, but no demos. We were also told that corporate informed stores that teachers were to be outside that day to "attract" clientele. I got feeback from this teacher as follows: Wilton could not do outside (the fondant would melt) - I can understand that.

Lesson 4 - Pattern Stitches, Certification

I know the Certification Notebook is not quite ready, but is there anywhere else I can find the Pattern Stitches that are required for Lesson 4. The Single Crochet Rib, Shell, Cluster, Popcorn and Ripple. I do know how to do these specific stitches but not necessarily as they may be written in the Notebook.

Thanks Jane! I will try my hand at it tonight!

What seems to work for you?

I would love to make this work and would like people's advice. I am finding a lot of peoples frustrations (Which I share)but few solutions. What is working for everyone? How are you getting signups? What is getting peoples attention at demos? What teaching advice can you share that seems to really work for you? I am going to cross post this in both knit and crochet and hope for some great tips : )

Store not having "time" for crochet classes

I don't know if others have experienced this, but I'm having trouble getting time slots at the store where I teach. I have Monday evenings, but no not other evenings are free at the store! Wilton has three evenings and beading has one - that leaves Sat evening (if there are no parties). Daytime is not a problem - but I'm the only teacher who is trying daytime. I'd like to do Saturday morning or afternoon, but the classroom is saved for parties all day. I asked about a yarn night and I'd have to use one of my Monday nights each month.

Using free Red Heart patterns for classes

I finally received a positive (yes we may!) reply from Red Heart Yarns (Coats and Clarks) about using their free online and in-store patterns in our classes and this is the reply:

May 8, 2012

to: Ms. Jane Ziemba

Dear Ms. Ziemba:

Thank you for your recent inquiry.

It is permissible to make copies of the patterns for use in classes. We would prefer that you copy the pattern just as it is printed out from our website.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.


Lynn L. Browne
Director, Consumer Services

Using Lion Brand patterns in classs

I contacted Lion Brand yarns about using their on-line patterns in class and got this reply:

Lion Brand is happy to be participating in the CYC Discover program. In addition to the Lion Brand patterns provided by the CYC, you may use patterns from our website in conjunction with Lion Brand yarns. Please be sure to leave the copyright intact when providing copies to your students, and please indicate that they are free from

They have some really cute freebies and some summer totes that would work nicely.