Store not having "time" for crochet classes

I don't know if others have experienced this, but I'm having trouble getting time slots at the store where I teach. I have Monday evenings, but no not other evenings are free at the store! Wilton has three evenings and beading has one - that leaves Sat evening (if there are no parties). Daytime is not a problem - but I'm the only teacher who is trying daytime. I'd like to do Saturday morning or afternoon, but the classroom is saved for parties all day. I asked about a yarn night and I'd have to use one of my Monday nights each month. Since I do both knit and crochet, I try to alternate the Monday evening classes. I was told I could try it Sunday afternoons (do I call it yarn Sunday?). That may sound okay, but this is an area where many people go to the shore on weekends - so I think there might be little response there.
I asked about teaching some classes on the sales floor on another evening, and got a negative reaction (interruptions, no space, etc.). The break room is out of the question due to it's location (through a storage area). I suggested placing a small table in the yarn area, as my classes have been quite small. If (and a big IF it is) they can make the space, I'd have to bring in my folding card table from home.
I'm really starting to get discouraged - I've been trying to get my classes going since late October. I just got my 15 hours of student teaching in last week (that's about 6 classes since Nov). I've had potential students tell me that Mondays are not convenient.
According to the asst. manager "all Michaels are having a problem with Wilton's mushrooming classes because they are offering half off deals".
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for letting me vent.