Discover TEACHER Forum - Crochet

Private forum for DISCOVER teachers

Granny square throw size

I have just finished the granny square throw. There is no gauge given for the pattern I have - but my width dimension worked out well. The problem lies with the length. Finished size is supposed to be about 48" by 52". I cannot figure out how this can be - there is only one extra group of 3 Dc on the long sides throughout. - The beginniing started with 6 groups total, then went to 3 on the short ends, 4 on the long ends ending in one square difference - that does not make it 4 inches longer! Did anyone else have this situation?


Is Needlework Club a good idea?

Hi Everyone,
I had the thought to have a "Needlework Club," meeting once a week in the morning for a couple hours. Anyone who did knit, crochet, cross stitch, any kind of needlework, could come. It would be free of charge, just a get together. My manager loved the idea, and immediately started to advertise it.

Is Bernat Satin discontinued at Canadian Michael's stores?

The Discover Single Crochet patterns both specify Bernat Satin as the yarn; however, it looks like the yarn is discontinued at my Michael's location in BC, Canada. Is this the case?

Should we substitute Red Heart Soft or Bernat Super Saver?


Students per class

I live in a very warm part of the country and although I have had classes of 2-3 students, one is the norm. I really don't understand the reasoning behind not holding a class for the one person who is interested in learning. That student will be purchasing yarn and supplies, plus additional books and patterns as they move on to additional learning. If I am willing to teach one person at a time, I can't see where it would hurt the store to allow that one person to learn at his/her own pace. I normally plant seeds as to what they will be able to create by signing up for additional classes.

Granny Square Scarf

I'm having trouble with the Granny Square Scarf. I looked to see if this had already been commented on and I found a problem with the throw but not the scarf. In round four it looks like there should be a 3 double crochet in the second ch 1 space. Is any one else having trouble with this or possibly there was a correction I missed. Thanks.

Combining the classes

I am having a lot of trouble getting more that one person in my classes. In a couple of my classes I have had 2 students. For that reason I am toying with the idea of combining some of my classes. For instance single crochet and tall stitches, The students will sign up for the class that they want but they will be held at the same time. When it comes time for them to sign the request for payment, they will sign the same sheet. When I taught at Michaels before we had open ended classes and my students where all at different levels.