Combining the classes

I am having a lot of trouble getting more that one person in my classes. In a couple of my classes I have had 2 students. For that reason I am toying with the idea of combining some of my classes. For instance single crochet and tall stitches, The students will sign up for the class that they want but they will be held at the same time. When it comes time for them to sign the request for payment, they will sign the same sheet. When I taught at Michaels before we had open ended classes and my students where all at different levels. I had no problem teaching that way and I had as many as 8 students in one class. I had learn to knit,. learn to crochet and sit and stitch. Those 3 classes. Now I have as many as 8 classes on the calender. I will have one student here one there. I think combining the classes is the answer. What do you think?
Margie in Sunny and Hot Tucson