Requirement that students sign up 24 hours in advance for classes

Even though students are required to sign up 24 hours in advance for classes, I generally wait to call my Michaels stores either the morning of the morning classes or about 4 hours in advance of my evening classes to see if I have any students. Lately, I have been called at home and asked to come in ASAP to teach a class when someone shows up at the store for a class without having previously registered (even though I have already called and been told there were no students) or to teach the class at a later time that very day other than when the class is offered in order to accommodate the customer. For example, a customer shows up at 10:30 am for a 10:30 am class (without having previously registered) and I am called to come in ASAP even though I had called at 9:30 am and was told I had no students. Has anyone else had this experience? I have come in on a couple of occasions in the past when I could, but this problem is happening more frequently now. I feel the store needs to more strongly advertise the necessity of preregistering 24 hours in advance, but I think this problem would occur nonetheless.