Store employees misreading class schedule

I have called the store to check on class enrolment, only to be given the wrong information. I don't know if anyone else has experienced this problem, but it has happened to me more than once and at two different stores (I do knit and crochet at one, and crochet at the other). I've found the employees either got the teacher wrong at one store and told me the class had someone enrolled, or they got the wrong day/class. I've made the trip to the store, only to discover no one was signed up for the class! Yesterday was the latest incident - I got there, checked the log, and went back out the door. Should I get paid for having taken the time to go there? By the time I got to the store, it was too late for me to even schedulea a demo, as there were other activities going on. Since there is no other way for me to check who is signed up, I have to use the phone call method.