Getting Customer's Attention and Interest During Demos

Hi! I don't have as many sign ups as I would like, so I thought I would ask you what you do during demos to catch the attention of the customers, and to get their interest enough to want to hear information about the classes. Maybe we can help each other by sharing what we do.
I sit at the tall table right inside the front door, and I'm the "Michael's Greeter" to all who enter. I have a few samples on the table, some class flyers, my "interested person's information sheet," binder with class patterns, and I'm working on some interesting project. Anyone who shows interest in what I'm doing, I'll strike up a conversation, usually starting with, "Do you crochet or knit?" If they say yes, I ask them what kind of things they like to make, and take it from there. If they say no, I ask them if they've ever wanted to give it a try.
I would like to come up with ideas that will catch more interest at the very beginning of the contact, moreso than "Hello, welcome to Michael's." Too many just say hi and keep on walking. So, short of using a baseball bat, anyone have some fun ideas to snag these people?