Inspiring class stories

Hi gang,
I had an inspiring story to share with you:

On Saturday a mother/daughter duo took my Single Crochet class. The daughter was about 25. She had a noticeable scar on her neck.

The mother took me aside before the class and said,
"My daughter worked in the Peace Corps. She was in an accident where a taxi hit a truck, and everyone was killed but her. She has lost a lot of her memory, motor skills, and some of her IQ. I was hoping that this class would help her remember some things (since she crocheted before the accident), as well as being physically and mentally therapeutic."

I was completely stunned.

We had an AMAZING time in class, and they both had a blast!

For photos of them and their work, check out my Facebook page at:

I would be interested in any inspirational stories about teaching crochet at Michaels that you would like to share!
