Getting Frustrated with Store

I have been very frustrated with the staff at the Michaels store, especially management. When I first met with them, I was so excited and they seemed to be excited also. They told me to call them to set up the demo's and when I did, they would tell me that I could do it the next week, well the next week came and they would push it to the next week until I basically just asked them to give me a date that I could do it and wouldn't take no for an answer. They did say to me that they have to fit me into their schedule to get paid and that I could only do the 1 demo, because that money is not in there budget. When I arrived, they were not at all accommodating and I felt that I was a huge bother. I have to say that the demo did turn out well and I talked to many people and was hoping to get some sign ups. I had some emails and names so I called the store a few days later and spoke with one of the managers to ask him if it was ok to come in that day to set up classes for September. I had the demo in late August. Now I know nothing at this point what to do - when I arrived, I approached him and he looked so annoyed because he was putting out stock and I guess I disturbed him. I literally had at least 12 classes that I set up for September and when I looked on the internet the following week, none of them had been posted. I waited for the second week and once again, none were posted in September, only the October classes were posted. I really don't want to keep calling because I really feel like I am a bother. I really am a very good natured person and very friendly. I say hello and how are you smiling and they are so miserable. I am attending an open house tomorrow and hoping that I can get some sign ups. I am completely prepared with dates, so if someone wants to sign up, hopefully I can convince them to sign up while I am there. Anybody else have problems with the stores? Advice?